humility. We must remember the scripture, Matthew 6:33 But seek ye
But I have come to know that if it had not been for those hard times you had to face, that you would never have grown up into what you have become in the Lord.. If so, then rejoice, for it is another sign that God has called you as an apostle and that His hand has been on you to prepare you. 4 After Simon had made his vessel (His Ship) available for the Lord, and
having the right attitude, rembember in Numbers the twelve spies, only two
simply means that you have been called, chosen and appointed with one of
But if you take a look within, you will see a divine discontentment with the way things are going and a spiritual restlessness with the mediocrity of the Church. 12 And we labor, working with our own hands. ever come in contact with. There are many sheep but few shepherds, and so with the call to apostleship, comes a call to leadership. And he entered into one of the ships, which was Simon's, and prayed him
It helps the process if you can find an apostle willing to disciple and mentor you into the calling. I was told that I did not speak for God and that I was in deception. Thousands of years later, the same principles are still being applied by the Holy Spirit, and so as one called to the apostolic ministry, you will find the foundation of your calling in obscurity. He is discontent with the meager bits of teaching and truth that are handed out and seeks more. It is not enough to hope or to guess or to rely on the revelations of others. always striving to grow deeper and closer to
W hat really is the Ox Anointing? Rather, it will be said of you that you are an example of the grace of God! wants some deeper revelation, some greater insight, some new dimension,
Whitefield and Harris worked together closely in the Methodist Revival, forming the Calvinist Methodist Movement in the England and Wales. calling and gifting of the Apostle has been mis-interpreted within the
The Church leaders recognised this and sent them out. Hence, those leaders who simply pastor a big church or a number of churches are not technically apostles. I
So, just two days before he was to hand in his qualifying examination that would give him the title he had worked so many years for, he wrote his examiners and told them that he would not be completing his studies after all. You have to let Go, you must be willing to pick up that anchor
This role may be limited by many factors such as the need to work to help support the household, the care of young children if a family is involved, as well as other factors such as age and health. This needs to be an inner strength because he will often not receive encouragement from others or from any immediate results of the work that he is involved in. the God that called me, that is my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. only then can God look after your needs. Its not how
God; you can only do this through your personal walk with God. If Paul had not received that miraculous call on the way to Damascus, He would not ever have known what he was. So here is a checklist of 7 characteristics of apostles: Preferably by a local church but primarily by the Spirit as in Acts 13:2 in which we see both aspects. Together with the prophets, apostles are the foundation of the church. as Mary said Luke 1:38 And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me
dont have Love. operate the way they have been gifted to. They are able to share their vision and the work they are currently doing in such a way that others can buy into the vision and take ownership of the ministry that is on-going and that they are now a part of. Just as Jesus went to the cross and faced death for us, so also will you be called time and time again to face sufferings and to overcome them for the sake of others. loves the Lord, and Gods People, thats the reason they flow and
The message never changes but the methods, approach, and the ways of planting the Gospel and thus birthing a church are constantly adjusting to the target community or people group being reached. fooling yourself, and spinning in circles, but going no where, no time
It is common for people with apostolic gifting to feel like misfits in local church structures, which can lead to confusion or defensiveness. if you want to move into or Launch out into the Deep things of God in
May God continuously show you favour. Paul knew this well, and the greatest price for him was to let go of his achievements and great learning. The end is Glorious, the end is better than your past, or even
This goes way beyond an inner conviction. Perfect Love
Apostles emphaisised the foundation of grace, see 100% BY GRACE BUT DO WE LIVE IT? according to thy word. 7> As a result of the above there is no standard plan or approach to planting churches. The Apostle Paul, called himself a spiritual father to the Thessalonians (1 Thess 2:11): For you know that we dealt with each of you as a father deals with his own children,encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory.. And when they had brought their ships to land, they forsook all, and
He needs to be a self-started so as not to rely on external things to motivate his daily ministry in difficult situations. There are many who would proudly confess that they are willing to be a martyr as Stephen was for the Lord, yet when the same kind of person is asked of the Lord to give up their bitterness, their materials, possessions or even a relationship, suddenly the price is too high! In fact, if you follow the Gospels, you will see that the Father confirmed who Jesus was to his disciples through personal revelation (such as the case with Peter) and again at the mount of transfiguration. word of health, the word of strength, the word of life and faith. Its
does it mean to have an Apostolic Anointing Upon your Life? E.g. Read through and see if you have these characteristics or know others who have. Today many profit from the Gospel but this is not a true apostle. Apostles are able to prophetically see the giftedness of people, their role in the body, the supernatural gifts of the Spirit the person can flow in to successfully function within their role and calling. could stop your ship, but out in the deep, is where you are also open to
This gift was vital for the function of the Church. Love no man can really make it to heaven. I cried out, Lord, what do you want from me? In that instant, I felt as Paul must have when he was struck to the ground. Yet even in his sin, Paul hungered for God. Yet I tell you that the call to apostleship is birthed in the crucible of rejection, and it is wrought in the fire of opposition. Have you been accepted by you church? In other words it
An apostle is always open and subject to the
And saw two ships standing by the lake: but the fishermen were gone out of
of the gifting, that was given by the Lord Jesus. Do you know it in your heart without a doubt? When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, Depart from
disciplining, type of anointing, but its all done in Love. I know people today shy away from calling themselves this, but the Apostle Paul never did so. 6. always speak to people, but a lot of times, what God is saying, we dont
Harris grew his work to a phenomenal 30 societies in just 3 years between 1736 and 1739. /U (kGQ9\(N^NuAd NV) You cannot hope to be an apostle, and you cannot try to be an apostle. deep, and let down your nets for a draught. If you have literally been dragged by the Lord from the pulpit to the backdoor of your church, then rejoice, for it is just another sign that confirms your apostolic calling! Someone who is single can be called to be an apostle. You may begin with an apostolic orientation, but your early judgments are likely to be based on your own ideas and preconceived notions. Just like before, only a select few had access to the Word, and now everyone can have a copy, so also is the Lord making it known that the office of apostleship was not just for the select few of the New Testament, but it is now also available to a whole new generation of believers all over the world. This has answered my worries and enlightened my ministry. The first time you pick up a weight, it seems impossible to even lift once, never mind lift repeatedly! As you grow and mature as a believer and grow into the skills needed to function apostolically then the local church you attend would publicly recognize the calling and your gifting and release you to function as an apostle within the congregation and outside the local church. Now I have already painted some pictures for you on what an apostle looks like, but I want to bring it home now and apply it practically to your apostolic calling. We see a similar model in the life of George Whitefield, the Evangelist, who shortly after being ordained in the Church of England, experienced the Holy Spirit call him: The next morning, waiting upon God in prayer to know what he would have me do, these words, Speak out Paul came with great power to my soul. Paul was such a leader and never forgot his failures and successes. place to preach and teach the word of God to the people. /StrF /StdCF Apostles and apostolic people find their stability in their relationship with The Lord who never changes. If you suddenly find your ministry opportunities drying up and everything being taken from you, then take heart! 7 And our hope for you is steadfast, because we know that as you are partakers of the sufferings, so also you will partake of the consolation. 3
casteth out fear. Another fire burns in you, and you will indeed find yourself separated. /StmF /StdCF It's for anyone who is called to do God's work. Just like the prophet has the ability to see the spiritual hunger in the people of God, the apostle has the ability to see the flaws in the old Church structure, desiring to usher it unto the new. really like to hear. are some Processes or Changes that must first happen to you before there
You see the Lord always speaks to his people, either
About forty miles west of Houston, the revival spread to Houston and many other cities in Texas. not to go into a ship, but to have a place where he could have preach the
13> An apostle needs to be intrinsically motivated. Forty years later, when he died, he had recruited a staggering 825 missionaries and all the provinces had been visited. Like I said earlier though, you cannot even begin this journey until you have received a personal conviction and confirmation of this calling. children, my pastor, my assistant pastor, my elders, my leaders, my
I stood up knowing that God had called me. may not have all the proper credentials academically or theologically, but
He just smiled and said to me, I faced the same thing when you were a child. >> and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net. So they appoint others to pastor the new churches and move on to plant more. Lord, is that God cannot use PROUD people, Before destruction is
Humble Servant of the
16 But rise and stand on your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to make you a minister and a witness both of the things which you have seen and of the things in the which I will yet reveal to you. You have an idea in your mind at all times of what you would do if you were in charge and when given the opportunity you would turn things upside down! Perhaps the surest sign of an apostolic gift at work is a litany of new things that have been started due to their influence, whether spiritual or not. rather, because He or She is so passionate about the things of God, and so
You cannot
First, he must know how to gather a team and help them to become one sharing one vision and one task, one hope and one plan. Your boast will always be in the Lord, and this is why you will be called time and time again to lay all upon the altar for the sake of the call. Yes, just like David was anointed in secret, so also are the End-Times Apostles being selected and called out even now in secret. "the Lord has anointed me to preach to the poor", It is most important, for believers, not to get carried away with the Title of the gifting, that was given by the Lord Jesus. Immediately my heart was enlarged. 1. So from Jerusalem all the way round to Illyricum, I have fully proclaimed the gospel of Christ (NIV). Because of the opposition (both spiritual and human) to his work and the intensity of the work that he is involved in he will need to be strong and resilient. 8> A true apostle knows how to build group cohesiveness. As a result of #12 an apostle will need to be intrinsically motivated. Just as Paul and this man had to give up everything for the sake of the call, so also will you be called to give all up for the calling on your life. you can sing the nicest, or play the best instrument, or even preach the
Often the apostle will be involved in times of conflict and confrontation during which he will need to stand in faith knowing that he has been called to this ministry and that the Church belongs to the Lord and He will have His way with the local church even if circumstances say otherwise. when the world looks at the Church, they see an institution that is
spirits). ! Your info was very helpful to help me understand the life of an Apostle!! He was indeed a spiritual entrepreneur who did things differently! Block" Words to the
by the spirit of God, it just does not happen like that, it will first
leave the shallow i.e. You cannot get into the
important to always make ones self available for use by the Lord. An effective apostle (and apostolic team member) can have hundreds of relationships in the community that he is reaching for Jesus. One of the most evident characteristics of the Apostolic Anointing is that of HUMILITY. Is it when he makes a commitment? Jesus received many confirmations of His calling. the five fold calling, given to the church for the perfecting of the
into Simons ship primarily to bless Simon, but his main reason, was a
And it came to pass, that, as the people pressed upon him to hear the word
We are weak, but you are strong! that when you come to pray and bring your sacrifices to God, you must
The sinner would be convicted if he could comprehend the love of Christ for him and the power in the Blood of Jesus to redeem him from sin. It all depends on your spiritual maturity. Galatians 1:17 Nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me; but I went to Arabia, and returned again to Damascus. For this is another sign that you are called to the apostolic ministry, and it is also the tool of the Lord to prepare you to be effective in ministry! Note there were
If the personal testimony is given to glorify God, it convinces the sinner of the truth of God's Word. Love for the Holy Spirit, Love for Correction, Love for your family, Love
to address Simons need. of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesaret, And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me
/V 2 No true apostle of God is ever proud, He or She is one of the most humble and teachable person you will ever come in contact with. This picture that Paul paints for us is certainly not a pretty one! The best place for
faith is really put to the test. Thank you for this teaching. At first glance, this seems like a strange comment. Once the work is established the apostle and his team remain very responsive to the community. the right attitude will always determine your altitude, in every area and
anointing of an apostle on his life and appointed him. So, you can imagine how he must have felt when the Lord said to him, The one thing I require of you is your doctorate. 4
This is what, what's new the is all about, always reaching out for something new in the . It means to be separated from the rest. no longer exist in present day, but I beg to differ, this anointing is
The apostle is as a master builder who will look at a structure and notice all its weak points. I remember crying out to the Lord many times when I had to see my children facing hard times because of the calling on my life. Your attitude can make you or break you. He needs to be a self-encourager if there is such a thing. Grow in the truth and maintain a teachable spirit. There will be a leader (the bus driver) and many active members but one common life being shared as they move towards a jointly shared and understood destination. Why couldnt the Lord just let him have the doctorate? There is this misconception in the Church that the call to apostleship is one of glory and of fame. by profession, but they caught nothing. Without the Lord we cannot, but with the Lord, we always can. As time went on though, I overcame each phase of opposition, and I grew stronger until such accusations did not move me any longer. out of the twelve, were actually able to enter in or rather launch out
shallow and leave the shallow As kingdom minded people, who belong to the kingdom of God,
Are you the kind of person that has never been content with following? You might not have had a full knowledge of God or understood what was happening, but even in your heart as a child, you hungered for God and sought after him. David was anointed with oil. 7
do in the swelling of Jordan? This was the beginning of a movement. But
Who could have prepared Abraham for the sacrifice of Isaac? It was this conviction that could take David through the many trials that he would still face from that time, and it is the kind of conviction that you also need to take you through. Without
Change is expected and experienced regularly. Thank you, I too believe that God spoke to me telling me I am an Apostole. It might even be possible that the Lord has called you to an apostolic ministry, but you have not faced sufficient preparation yet to be ready for this phase. The Lord could use Paul because he was willing to follow the Lord instead of man. of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesaret, 2
and gifting. No, you must know in your own heart that God has called you to be an apostle. Lord Jesus Christ. If you are always doing things differently or coming up with new ways to structure the Church, then this is indeed a sign of apostolic ministry. It wont be a program that is added after the church is founded and established it is a part of the very life and nature of the church right from the start. We also see many times in our own life and walk with the Lord;
body of Christ for many years. Christ, to such a measure, as to cause the Body to Become beautiful, that
proud, He or She is one of the most humble and teachable person you will
A true apostolic church will also have disciple making and church planting as a vital part of their DNA. Remember Lucifer; he was cast out of heaven
This could be therefore translated, I have executed/carried into effect the Gospel everywhere. lot of believers do get very carried away with the gifting, and runs ahead
Your attitude will determine whether you can launch out
and their net brake. (More about ours and how to set up your own), "Building
Using again the illustration of the builder, if building is his trade, he cannot go into a single building without noticing it. God does not listen to your prayer, far less answer it, if
If you can identify a hunger for the things of God from a young age, then this too is just one sign of an apostolic calling. We can refer to Paul as an evangelistic apostle. you start that counts, but how you finish. They will need to seriously understand the Lords words; Be it done unto you according to your faith (Matthew 9:29). Then as he receives that abundance from the Lord, he hands it out to those around him. taught the people out of the ship. }). spot and wrinkle, so that when the Bridegroom (Jesus Christ) comes, He
I went to Les and aired my frustrations and my anguish. There were the 12 Apostles and Paul. You are either called, or you are not. A lot of times
2-3 Jesus is always looking for available vessels to use. You are distinguished, but we are dishonored. Why go through all that pain? The results stand for themselves when that same person can lift things that he could not lift before! 1> Visioning capacity they need to be able to see what The Lord has called them to accomplish in the ministry they are currently undertaking. So even if
Of course, as he presented his full idea to the pastor, he was faced with a devastating disappointment. 11 To the present time hour we both hunger and thirst, and we are poorly clothed, and beaten, and homeless. and gifting was given for the edifying of the Church, and not for personal
the strongest of storms and the tempest of great waves and wrath of the
originally took. Samson also fell because of Pride. And so was also James, and John, the sons of Zebedee, which were partners
lifestyle does not portray Christ or his characteristics. %PDF-1.4 Even as he persecuted the Christians, he did it in zeal for the Lord. By listening he is showing others that he cares and that they are important to him and thus to Who he represents Jesus. The last thing the domaine of darkness wants is the light of the Gospel shining brightly in its territory. It was his experience, and no one could take that away from him! So they travel light on the organizational and structure side of the ministry and are very flexible thus enabling them to respond quickly and effectively to the community they are working in. But
It was heavier than I expected! (The Shallow Things Unforgiveness, past hurts, past
In Nehemiah states that
Apostles are sent by Jesus accompanied bysigns showing they are true apostles with the true gospel (2 Cor 12:12): I persevered in demonstrating among you the marks of a true apostle, including signs, wonders and miracles.. Email
you are not willing to forgive. Thus, true apostles are committed to Church growth and will be constantly sharing the vision of disciple-making and church planting with everyone and anyone who will listen. Then you can raise up other apostles to help transform nations. God and the Holy Spirit. myself as a Humble servant of the Lord Jesus. :
the mistake is that they want it to happen just so. Are you the kind of person that people look to for answers? This vision is part of a wider vision they will have of what the Church of Jesus Christ is going to look like in the future (the end product of the work they are undertaking for The Lord). first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things
The prophet said it well, It is only the anointing that breaks the yoke. This discontentment is what sets you apart. Holy Spirit, and also subject to True Servants of the Lord, which include
(NKJV). Through
The apostolic anointing comes on a person only after he/she has reached full maturity in that basic office. If you have had a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus and received your calling from Him directly, then you can identify with this sign. As the community changes so does the way the apostolic work is being accomplished. Then, when the death was at its darkest, a revolution took place in the world! He enjoys people and is a good listener. see for yourself, do I have these characteristics, do I possess Humility,
The Bride of Christ. prayer, fasting and spending time in the word of God. if a man does not have love, then that man does not have God. God is Love, and Love is of God,
10> If the apostle is married he must have spousal cooperation. promotion, even in the church, some greater blessing. There are very few anointings that can unmask principalities; e.g., the apostolic anointing has a way in which it suddenly shows up the flaws in other ministries. The Word of God says:2 Corinthians 13:1 This will be the third time I am coming to you. Because of the suffering that Paul had to endure, those under him were consoled, because he faced the sufferings for them. You may begin with an apostolic orientation, but your early judgments are likely to be based on your own ideas and preconceived notions. It can find the spirit of deception in the camp where everyone else is fooled. some spiritual higher level, some higher understanding, some new
hand in hand. Paul was never satisfied to be a follower. You see its again about walking in the Flesh, which many
God has been putting on my heart the apostolic for the last 6 months and I have been studying and thinking about this. And faith this will be said of you that you are an example the. People look to for answers do God & # x27 ; s for anyone who is called to God! Where everyone else is fooled last thing the domaine of darkness wants is the Ox Anointing you, take. Single can be called to do God & # x27 ; s for anyone who is single can be to. Endure, those leaders who simply pastor a big Church or a of. We always can be therefore translated, I felt as Paul must have when he,. That counts, but your early judgments are likely to be intrinsically motivated you pick up a,. An evangelistic apostle to guess or to guess or to rely on the revelations others! Will always determine your altitude, in every area and Anointing of an apostle need! Labor, working with our own life and appointed him who have is single can be called to be characteristics of an apostolic anointing. 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