335. 312. Have them set a basic package for clients, such as a 30-minute tutorial, during which they will provide hands-on instruction and demonstration of someones phone. Beautiful Daylite AppIt plugs in calendars, CRMs and email clients too what would be better is it it looked better overall. Auto-OrganiserSet a few simple rules and watch your computer automatically organise files and much more. 14. Chances are that you have been using a computer for as long as you can remember. and a local business owner was so impressed with . 147. Decentralised Life360App that allows people to track and monitor the location of their family members without sending this data to the whole world. Email App ICOThink Polymail but with incentivisation to use your email properly and not like a retard. 472. 239. 115. Elocution AppLearn how to speak nicely through simple correction of pronunciation etc based on your voice/talking. Simple Tailored Flexibility RoutinesRoutines that allows you to become hyper incredible at strength and flexibility from simple analysis. Students should create advertising brochures, posters and cards to let the community know their lemonade can be served anywhere. Our Diploma Papers; Guarantee; Blog; Disclaimer; Terms . 393. Journalling App on BlockchainStick Day One on the blockchain using keys that dont allow external users access, but allow trends/data to be gathered. 347. 274. 254. 281. Scrapbooking is a method of preserving, presenting, arranging personal and family history in the form of a book, box or card. 400. Another profitable idea for a school project is to encourage students who are studying Agriculture related courses to setup a standard poultry farm as a project. Think way beyond the old Snow Ball for your formal dance theme this winter. AccountableFind accountability buddies globally, get rewarded with coins/tokens by both performing in a meaningful way. flexible work arrangements singapore; fake business ideas for school project 476. Blockchain Marketplace that Allows People to Build Businesses (DAO for Businesses)Proposals are put forward, the highest proposals put into motion, these proposals are then assigned founders via a voting system. 277. Productivity SpreadA way to track your productivity based on a number of real factors, not a do these 3 things style list. Posture AnalyserAn app that uses photos or the Apple Watch to analyse your ongoing posture throughout the day. 211. 203. 504. UV ClothesClothes designed to reflect and support healthy UV free skin. The product can be real or imaginary. Be the Best youPrograms designed and measured/managed by people to create the best version of you possible. Addiction KickerIdentify what youre addicted to and how to take the necessary steps to kick it (think drug, food, supernormal stimuli etc.). Examples of companies providing services are Uber, Chipotle, and lawn care businesses. receipts,create a receipt,print receipts online,personalized receipts,custom receipt, 112. Make candy 8. Two or three can be the ones to prepare the products. Chemicals like pesticides, bleach and paints etc have a good number of buyers. 26. The truth is that if their product is well branded and packaged it can compete for market share in their community. 404. Fake Product-Based Business Ideas Some businesses are based on making or buying and then selling a specific product. 199. Note: Do not hit publish as this will publish your fake content to the web. Water w/UV ProtectionShower in water to give you added UV protection. Logo Inspiration BooksWonderful books to create incredible inspiration for logos that designers are working on. Students can create album covers for their school project. Empath AppAn app that teaches you how to understand and incorporate empathy into your daily life in a way thats hyper meaningful. Storyboard ThisApp that takes your words and turns them into storyboards. Better Sleep CycleAn app which is better at waking you up and helping you get to sleep by improving on sleep cycle. LinkedIn for AdvisorsFind advisors for your business, find out what they want in return and then hire them for your business. With adequate planning, preparation and skills, you can put together a documentary on any niche of your choice. Does this Outfit Work?Post a picture and get quick response from the fashionistas for a monthly subscription fee. 41. 148. Dont do itCalculator that gives you a simple TL;DR of whether you should or shouldnt do something based on impacting life factors. From there, it's a matter of creating pages and posts to make the website you want. 20. 407. Keep connected by trying out a new website just for teens. Blinkist w/MemriseBlinkist style information coupled with mnemonic techniques to improve the memorability of said information. Fake High School Diploma 1 $ 79.00. Learn to LoveApp to help you learn to love and to come to terms with tricky/difficult things. The students can offer custom scrapbooking services to people who want to preserve their memories in a special way without doing the work themselves. Grounding Exercise AppSimple app that helps you remove awful amounts of electricity from your body with grounding exercises. Mindfulness ToolkitSelf-improvement toolkit for those who want results, fast. Create Your Own Business Project 1 Create Your Own Business Project . Normal AddictionsApp designed to work towards removing your daily addictions by focusing on quick wins. 412. 241. Modern Wall SocketsThe world is full of archaic wall socketshaving real, useful sockets would make a massive difference. 406. Photo Booth 10. 524. Meet in front of the main office. Designer Shoes on the BlockchainA way to track and trace the authenticity of designer shoes using the blockchain. But if you follow a good outline, you won't have to reinvent the wheel. 161. Fake film. 375. 42. Fit MirrorMirror that corresponds and supports your fitness goals, based on where you are and where you need to be. Pavlok but BetterBracelet of wearable that does positive reinforcement vs. negative reinforcement to change habits. 70. More. Mood ScannerTake a photo of someone or a short video and allow the app to tell you about their mood. Sketch for iPadWhile this will probably be a tricky thing to do, itll be sick to be able to draw interfaces. Tag just got an upgrade with this digital question-asking game tailor made for you and your best friends. Pollution MonitorApp on your phone or watch that monitors pollution in the surrounding areas. 234. In their advertising efforts, have them specify what services they will and wont perform. Gyroscope for JournallingAn operating system for productivity and journalling overall. 510. IP ShareCreate and fix common problems/ideas and share the patent/idea with others + the platform. Include different tiers of packages like an inexpensive option where 3 to 5 fans who will hold a sign with your name on it and an expensive version that includes 20 fans. People Skills AppApp that gives you quick and simple insight into the people skills you need to use based on an upcoming scenario (date, business meeting etc.). Build a Business Students in an advanced accounting class will learn many aspects of money management and the basics of running a business by creating a fake company. EpiloadLike Blinkist but for TV shows, movies or anything else that you want to watch, but dont have the time. TwomoilUnderstand the turmoil of two people in a rocky relationship with simple little steps to fix said relationship. 156. Moments AppApp to share special moments with the people you love, backed up to iCloud. 291. One of the most popular part time jobs for students is babysitting, and this business can comfortably be taken up as a school project. Deposit InsuranceInsure your deposit incase you cant attend for an unexpected or unusual reason/circumstance. Graves on the BlockchainGraves assigned to unique identity on the blockchain, the same for people who have died/have had their ashes scattered. Calendar Checklist ToolTool like Fantastical that allows you to review notes and check off your performance vs. the calendar at the end of each day (with notes too). 398. Here are ten of the craziest, most offbeat and original ideas, conceived by business students in the past few years. - In groups ranging in size from one person to three, create your own fake company. Starting a food truck at your school or in your town is a simpler way to create a fake restaurant business. Some very talented students have the ability to create very funny and interesting skits. 99. Stand for YouA product that allows you to write down what defines you, and the core values that you live by, allowing you to stand by them indefinitely. 159. You Can Be StrongBusiness designed to help people gain physical strength through simple exercises. As far as Im concerned, Ive found my true calling with Byozo, which means all of these ideas will go to waste unless theyre shared with the world. Blockchain Game Where Progress Means SomethingThink back to the old games where if 1,000,000 points where hit by the community, something would happen we could do the same with blockchain and events in cities or governments etc. Remember Your VitaminsHabit tracker that works by sending you specific reminders at specific time intervals and then rewarding/congratulating you with what you care about. Highschool BlockchainAs the above, but with all the necessary bits and pieces for blockchain technology. If some of the ideas are a little out there, or not entirely pc, know that the creative process is a judgement free place. These magazines can be sold or booked on subscription basis. Visual Thinking ARApp that allows you to explore visual thinking by correctly using and projecting this with AR. 170. Once they set the price for a cup of lemonade, they can ask each client how many people will be in attendance at the given event, and then calculate projected revenues beforehand. There are so many different ways to make fake flowers, be it silk, plastic, fabric, etc. 431. 141. Making it FireBuying large quantities of small issue stock, then using thought-leaders to make these clothes popular. Tasty Diet Protein ShakeA delicious diet protein shake that plays nicely with water and tastes great in the process. The fun nature of this product and its real-world potential are ideal for a school setting because teens will need to explore building a business and the dilemma of ethics versus profit. Talent Money Bridge (Fortnight)A platform for HNWI, to get access to the platform, you have to pass a rigorous talent test to gain access. 255. Borrow Items from Others w/BlockchainWays to lend and borrow items from each other, validating this with smart contracts, enabling these items to be tracked. Humbler AppLearn about what your money could buy you elsewhere in the world and how other people are living compared to you. Since each product is completely original and takes time, students will be challenged to explore the feasibility of creating a business based solely on their own talent or skill. At your kiosks, anyone can pick up one of the provided cell phones and use it for any length of time. 54. Business card design in CorelDRAW, Fake business card. Students studying chemical engineering should be made to produce chemicals that can be sold in an around the school communities as part of their projects. 198. Blockchain Private InvestigatorHire people to investigate certain proposals and once theres adequate proof by consensus, get paid. PDF. 102. Qatar 2022 | Stickers - Fake Project. Blockchain BootcampBootcamp to create incredible blockchain developers and to get them hired by these companies. Be my FriendAn app to help you find friends when youre in a tricky situation (KYC enabled to prevent scam). Operating System for the MindHow to become more productive and well-versed in becoming absolutely super human. This is perfect if you are using your fake . Freemium Tool on BlockchainEssentially, find paid resources or tools that the community wants access to and vote with smart contracts to make these free once a certain cap/soft limit is hit (can be bought in the meantime). Personal Training Plans (for anything)Bespoke plans for you and your goals to help you grow and become incredible at almost anything. Therefore, you can start a business to run errands for those sets of people. Skin so SoftShampoo for those with sensitive skin to prevent dandruff. 202. A/B Testing BlockchainAllow people to create and serve new A/B tests to a website, the results and sales increase from that is then deliver to the person in question. 138. This is also a suitable business idea that can be continued after school.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'profitableventure_com-banner-1','ezslot_3',128,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-profitableventure_com-banner-1-0'); A lot of students are very talented and creative. Rebel AddictionsRebel against your addictions and allow yourself to move/face forwards with your life. Selling homemade pies is another great business idea for a students school project. A space should be set up in a classroom, in the gym, in the cafeteria, or wherever the school will allow you to which the students believe will be a strategically effective location for your business project. Raffle SystemInstead of splitting the pot, we have the potential to raffle the pot instead. 185. VC Fund FrameworkStarting your own VC fund quickly and simply with someone elses framework for a flat fee. English 105 Project 2: Create Your Own Fake Company! Putting the game online can save you on overhead costs. The creative process is like digging for gold, sometimes youll win big, and other times youll be digging up dirt. The badges should have an image and a few words. Post fliers in your neighborhood advertising your services. Tired of carrying around your overloaded, heavy backpack all day at school? Incredible Name GeneratorCreate company names, domain names and brand ideas with the click of a button. 491. This kind of project can be expensive hence they can access funding from the school authority or any other relevant institution.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'profitableventure_com-netboard-1','ezslot_17',149,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-profitableventure_com-netboard-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'profitableventure_com-netboard-1','ezslot_18',149,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-profitableventure_com-netboard-1-0_1');.netboard-1-multi-149{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Laptop ClubUpgrade plans for laptops given correctly servicing/checking them (like taking cars to a dealership and leasing them). Province, Business Owner 336. 267. Most proposals - whether for professional business projects or school projects - require the same information, so once you learn the style, you'll be ahead of the class. Resignation Letter GeneratorQuickly generate a resignation letter based on the severity of message you want to get across. 348. Excursion OrganiserTool that allows you to organise excursions and to share these with people you care about. 142. Theres a Way OutStop people from taking negative steps and moving towards self-harm by describing that theres a way out. Wifi Disk BurnerA tool that burns disks quickly and easily, sending these details to you over wi-fi. 403. Kickstarter for Problem SolvingPost issues youre having and allow users to post said solution via the blockchain utilising smart contracts for those that are picked/solved. This can be used to teach them persuasion, as an assignment for speech class, or to reinforce skills learned in a consumer class. Have the students bring items from their houses that they do not like or use anymore. Dog Signal AppA calming signal that can be played when your dog is in a high stress situation to make things better. Tape appropriate codes on all the items and record them all on a master list. Students will have to consider all aspects of running a company with many potential employees. 229. 75. The school authority can provide space for students to build their ponds. Pre-Messaging AppAllow people to message you conversation/meetings requests with explicit details before accepting these. 25. Quick Design FeedbackPay $1 or $3 to get super quick design feedback from a pro on why your section or comp isnt working. OffsetYour monthly commitment to doing some good for the world to offset tax or an expense accordingly. 131. 101. Seniors, upper-middle class families, and busy parents are all part of this target market. RIP CaffeineApp that supports you quitting caffeine and kicking the habit for good. Do you want to start a business to raise funds and score high in your school project? Expiry Date ( D M Y), If you complete these fields, you will be added to our list of problem users. building a business and the dilemma of ethics. Fake Business Name Generator | BrandNameMeNow Free Fake Name Generator. 353. Students may actually be able to build a robot prototype to use in testing their business, even if it's on a smaller scale. 279. Back Position AlertIs there a way to program the Apple Watch to identify when your back is in a compromised position and to let you know accordingly? Making and selling candy is another lucrative but cost effective school project. The proposal is due at 2:00 pm, February 7, 2023, at Mukilteo School District Support Services Center, Capital Projects Office, 8925 Airport Road, Everett WA . They will need to make sure these expenses dont exceed revenues. 356. Another art related projects that you can engage your students in is to advertise for people to bring their graphics and video editing jobs to the school studio and they will get it done at rock bottom prices. 130+Best Friend Tag Questions to Quiz Your True Friends. 150. Recycling ICOEvery time you place a bottle or similar into the special recycling banks, you get a receipt which generates tokens vs. Fiat (investment in long term conservation bonds). 315. 6. 462. Teens today don't want to blend in with the crowd, they want to stand out as unique individuals. Fake Emergency Management $ 89.00. 442. 206. 118. Social Pooling for CryptoAllow people to pool funds together to be sold/taken from APIs, receiving money from the crypto sold. This business option gives kids an introduction to working with food, which requires an understanding of government regulations. 358. Placebo ThinkingChange the way you learn/interact with the world through placebo thinking. 350. Anki Style Software for SubjectsThink flashcards, but specifically for highly skilled subjects that are challenging to learn. For a school project, you can teach students to create quilts with badges representing the meanings of vocabulary terms. BlockfolioA business that allows you to copy an investors portfolio and allows you both to earn tokens on success. 243. 187. Creating a business teens can actually run takes their project to the next level in understanding the complexities of being an entrepreneur. 49. 388. 322. Open a text editor. Self Awareness AppBuild self-awareness in people through activities that are analytical rather than meditative. 214. 441. Fun PlastersPlasters that are cute and fashionable to wear, good for adults and kids. 208. Some of these are pretty weird and crazy business ideas, but that is actually what makes them successful. This can be applied to an historical event (like a famous battle), a scientific event or the sequence of events in story. Forget disappearing messages on apps, the ultimate way to call or message someone with complete anonymity is a Rent-A-Cell Phone Center. Gyroscope but BlockchainUnique identifiers on the network for your health, tokenising the improvement of your health and reducing medical costs etc. 349. Garage Sale VR AppEnjoy the fun of a garage sale from the comfort of your own home. Designed pieces may be sold online or at local trade shows and church bazaars and even to fellow students. Download simple learning Java project source code with diagram and . Decentralised EbayEbay but with a trust system built on smart contracts to allow items to be bought and sold accordingly. 517. Positive Messaging AppImprove your outlook on life with a positive messaging/energy app. 372. It is another way of making money for the school. 222. Fake Company Name Generator: Helpings Objects Verbs Noun Since 1991 Generate fake company names with taglines and buzzword descriptions like "Uber for Fake Names." Perfect for coming up with business ideas or just seeding your database. 286. 384. You need to be a jack-of-all-trades, but it is actually rather easy work, and it pays well. Students should develop their business plan, they should determine how much theyll charge: either a flat rate for a given amount of time, whether a weekend or a whole week, or an hourly rate that will be fair and competitive. Motivational Art PostersGorgeous motivational art posters to encourage people to change the world. 121. Quick DexaTake pictures of yourself using your iPhone under specific prerequisites and get a rough idea of your current body fat. 305. 200. 244. Students will first interview someone based on a series of talking point, taking notes . Music played by TempoTracks ordered and played by tempo depending on the mood of the event, party or otherwise. Air Filtering CurtainsAir quality is poor, people need clean air and everyone has curtains I wonder if theres a way to combine these together? Putting up a play is another exciting idea for a school project. Such projects can be carried out in varied subjects, and the students are more often than not allowed to pick a topic that interests them most. This is can make a very exciting school project for students. Pillows for PosturePillows specifically created to create incredible posture and support a better way of sleeping. 484. Your page should be previewed. 469. Students will need to define their customer base and create service packages to best meet customer budgetary needs. Geolocation Action Blocker AppPreprogram an app to tell you not to go to certain locations for X reason based on what youre looking to avoid (e.g. 314. Bonsai Crypto GardenBonsai gardens built on the blockchain based on your own unique ID, allowing you to collect and grow gorgeous bonsai trees/plants. 2. Doggy SockLittle socks for your doggy, that lets you walk them and then take them off to clean them. 446. Most of these ideas are brought about to teach children about money, making profits, and how to save. 248. Many schools allow their students to come up with their own products/services, plan the materials and resources they will need, propose an allocation of expenses, project their profit based on a given budget, and advertise and sell their products/services. Whether a child sells pre-made baskets or accepts orders forcustom baskets, the business comes with natural busy seasons like Easter, Mothers Day, Christmas etc. 417. 273. 345. Day One for Habits + GoalsA daily journal tool similar to Day One, but with a greater focus on habits and goals. Think About itApp to take heat of the moment decisions, rationalise them and allow you to regain control. Spotify AddonsA marketplace for developers to sell skills and powerups on the Spotify platform. This could be during their practical session class or a time set aside by the school board for students to showcase what they have learnt for a period of time. Alexa, Google, Apple AIThese smart bots seems to be the talk of the town, is there a way to mash all their API features into one? Suncream in BodywashWash your body in suncream and watch it last for the whole day no problem. 516. 494. 63. Unbreakable Dog ToysChew toys (or similar) for dogs that are fun to play with but absolutely unbreakable. The turmoil of two people in a meaningful way all on a master list whether... Funny and interesting skits that designers are working on bazaars and even to fellow.! Restaurant business then selling a fake business for school project product if their product is well and. Betterbracelet of wearable that does positive reinforcement vs. negative reinforcement to change habits and skits. Tricky thing to do, itll be sick to be able to interfaces! 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